Gender-Based Violence training for NGO staff in South Sudan

Programme staff from national and international organisations attended a five-day training on gender-based violence (GBV) co-organised by UNESCO in Juba, on Feb 11-16.

UNESCO co-facilitated a five-day training workshop on gender-based violence (GBV).

Group presentation on possible GBV spots in the school environment. (Photo credit: UNESCO)

UNESCO co-facilitated a comprehensive training workshop aimed at addressing gender-based violence (GBV), mental health, and inclusivity in education. The five-day workshop, held in Juba, South Sudan, from February 11 to 16, brought together thirty-five programme staff from national and international education organisations. 

Initiated by the South Sudan Education Cannot Wait – Multi-Year Resilience Plan phase 2, the workshop focused on practical solutions to enhance teaching quality and create safer learning environments in crisis-affected communities through inclusive and gender-transformative approaches.

Participants learned how to replace corporal punishment with positive discipline, designing safe spaces in schools, and supporting schools to deliver Life Skills and Peace Building Education including comprehensive sexuality education. 

“We have learnt how to engage with parents and communities on how to prevent GBV in schools. Such activities should be included in our work plans,” said Elizabeth Abuk, one of the field officers that attended the programme.

The training was organised by Plan International and co-facilitated by UNESCO, Save the Children, Light for the World, the International Rescue Committee. The Ministry of General Education and Instruction acknowledged the value of UNESCO’s Connect with Respect toolkit in preventing school-related GBV. The effective utilisation of the toolkit was presented during the training, and has been distributed to all participants. 

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