African Guarantee partners NDF on green finance

The African Guarantee Fund (AGF), in collaboration with the Nordic Development Fund (NDF), will host the 9th Edition of the Green Finance Conference and Trainings in Lagos, Nigeria from Tuesday 12th to Friday 15th March 2024.

The Green Finance Conference, organised by AGF and sponsored by NDF, is a crucial response to the challenges posed by climate change within the framework of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). With a focus on providing enhanced expertise to African countries, the conference aims to facilitate increased financing for low-carbon development.

The conference holds paramount significance for financial institutions as it realistically analyses existing opportunities and proposes practical solutions to address financing for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) committed to green growth and climate-resilient development.

Previous Green Finance Conferences & Trainings have been held in Zambia, Kenya, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Benin, Mozambique, and Malawi. Building on this success, the 9th Edition promises to be an enlightening and impactful event.

The event includes a specialised three-day Green Finance Training for Senior Executives of financial institutions. Tailored to equip financial leaders with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate the evolving landscape of sustainable finance, this training will focus on Credit Risk and Product Development in the context of Green Finance.

AGF Group Director of Business Development, Franck Adjagba said, ‘‘We are establishing a significant collaboration with banks to secure funding for environmentally friendly micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Nigeria. The goal is to ease the financial support for green businesses in the country. Nigeria plays a pivotal role in global climate discussions and contributes significantly to shaping AGF’s objectives of enabling the country tailor its strategies towards global discourse on climate-related matters.’’

The upcoming Green Finance Conference and Training, spanning four days, promises a dynamic gathering of key stakeholders, including Government representatives, Development Financial Institutions, CEOs, NGOs, and Green SMEs. This collaborative platform will discuss financing challenges and opportunities for Green SME projects, offering a rich environment for innovation and insight.

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