Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Health experts recommend that drinking at least 2 litres of water per day may offer many health benefits. Inclusive access to clean water, and promotion of sanitation and hygiene behaviors in communities and schools are the main focus of Gede’s WASH activities in Benue state.

The Project is addressing some water-related challenges such as deaths caused by water-borne diseases, lack of portable water in communities, lack of ventilated improved latrines in public places, households and internally displaced persons’ camps.


The main activities include i) training and engaging with community structures to promote hygiene and sanitation behaiours, ii) construction and rehabilitation of boreholes, iii) construction and rehabilitation of latrines in schools and health facilities, iv) mobilizing communities and schools for behavior change against open defecation, v) promoting menstrual hygiene in secondary schools, and, vi) empowering communities on flood disaster management techniques

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