Scabies Relief for Epukiro and Drimiopsis SAN Communities

An outbreak of scabies in the Bushman communities of Omaheke required drastic intervention which came in the form of a commercial partnership between the Naankuse Foundation, A. Wutow Trading, Plastilon and a new Corporate Social Responsibility outfit, ChariTree.

More than 4000 Bushmen were eventually diagnosed with scabies infestation, a skin disorder caused by a mite, that spreads rapidly in crowded or unhygienic conditions. First detected in the San settlements in the Epukiro area, the number of cases grew rapidly, quickly overflowing the capacity in Naankuse’s San clinic.

Coordinating relief efforts, ChariTree mobilised more than 3 tonnes of goods to support San communities in Omaheke. A.Wutow Trading donated cleaning agents and personal care products to improve hygiene, while Plastilon sponsored the packaging.

On the way to the Naankuse Lifeline Clinic at Epukiro, the partnership delivered goods and food to the community at Drimiopsis.

Hardus Swartz, Manager of the Naankuse Lifeline Clinic said “only through collaborations like this can we truly make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable.”

“As an NGO, the Naankuse Foundation at times does not have enough means to help the whole San community. ChariTree coming on board to assist with hygiene goods to curb the scabies outbreak was such a relief for the foundation and we look forward to future endeavours with ChariTree and partners” he said.

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