Peace Building and Governance

There are quite a several challenges faced by the communities living in ASAL area include population pressure, shrinking natural resource base, increased cattle raiding incidents and communal conflicts.

Peace Building revolves around developing social capital and political relations across ethnic, religious, national and racial boundaries. This process includes violence prevention, conflict management, resolution or transformation in line with this.

The links between peace building (security and justice) with state building (good governance and responsive provision of basic services), with economic development (opportunity and partnership), is essential in ensuring that peace and prosperity of communities in northern Kenya is attained.

SND remains committed to the survival and peaceful integration of pastoralist communities and will work with them to develop and implement effective sustainable development programs that respect their values and cultures.

SND aims to implement the program focusing on advancing peace within communities, youth development, fostering non-violence extremism and social reconciliation and integrating Tran’s boundary common issues with Southern Ethiopia.

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