NGO PinkDrive advocates for uninsured cancer patients

Cancer awareness NGO, PinkDrive, is appealing for more public-private partnerships to help the country’s medically uninsured to access lifesaving cancer screenings.According to the World Health OrgaOrganization

O), cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020.In South Africa, cervical and breast cancer are the most prevalent amongst women, while lung and colorectal cancer are among the most prevalent cancers in men.Noelene Kotschan, CEO and founder of PinkDrive, says screening and early detection remains the key to saving lives.“Well according to the WHO, by 2050, globally, there would be 53 million deaths due to various cancers, that means in itself there is a 70% increase since 2022. That goes to show it doesn’t matter where you live and that cancer touches all of us.”

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