NGO exposes alarming situation in polisario-controlled Tindouf Camps

A Non-government organization has called on the international community to take concrete actions to end the sufferings of the Sahrawis sequestered in the Tindouf camps, southern Algeria, and hold the polisario militia accountable for the crimes and abuses committed under the watch of Algerian forces.

Addressing the 51th session of the Human Rights Council convening in Geneva, Mrs. Aicha Duihi, Head of a Sahrawi NGO dedicated to supporting local economic and social development, voiced serious concern over the deteriorating living conditions in the Tindouf camps, saying this explosive situation is fueling mounting tensions and protests which are suppressed with use of unnecessary excessive military force.

The corrupt and feckless polisario leaders and militiamen continue with impunity their arbitrary detentions, oppression, retaliatory actions, threats and torture of the human rights activists, she added.

The Sahrawis of Tindouf camps are suffering from lack of freedom of movement and other basic rights such as access to adequate food, health care, clean water and education, while the Polisario leaders enjoy a comfortable and luxurious life in Algiers, underlined Mrs. Aicha Duihi.

The activist also denounced the embezzlement by the Polisario, in connivance with Algerian Generals, of the international humanitarian aid donated for Tindouf camp inhabitants and urged the UNHRC to force Algerian rulers to honor their commitment regarding the protection of the rights of sequestered Sahrawis and investigate immediately the crimes and violations committed by the polisario militias against defenseless civilians, including women and children.

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