NGO Distributes 10,000 Clothes, Rice, Maize To IDPs In Mangu

JOS – The Platform Foundation, a Jos-based NGO has distributed 10,000 clothing, Maize and Rice to Internally Displaced Person’s (IDPs) in Mangu LGA in Plateau state.

The Director of the NGO, Alex Ntino in his address at the event which was witnessed by thousands of people from the state said the clothes Fair, relief distribution, and Nourishment Gala at the Mangu IDP Camp was meant to provide clothes, Grains, and nourishment to the IDPs, as well as to express their solidarity and compassion with the IDPs.

The Director of The Platform Foundation who welcomed everyone to the event, thanked the sponsors for their generous support.

He highlighted the importance of sharing the love and care that they have received from others, and the need to uphold the dignity and rights of every individual in the society.

Ntino stressed that the gifts given to the IDPs were not the most important thing, but rather a symbol that people around the world care about them and are praying for them.

“This gathering is not just about clothes and nourishment; it’s about something far more profound. It’s about sharing the love that resides in our hearts and being the extension of the overwhelming love, we have received from countless people.”

The main activities of the event were the clothes fair, Relief distribution, and the nourishment gala.

The clothes fair witnessed the distribution of clothes that were donated by Christians from all over Nigeria.

During the event, the IDPs were able to choose the clothes that suited their preferences and needs.

The clothes fair was a success, as the NGO and it’s volunteers were able to distribute over10,000 pieces of clothing to the IDPs.

The relief material distribution exercise had over two thousand adults lining up to receive some maize and rice sponsored by the NGO friends from Europe, (VOM).

The nourishment gala was a feast of delicious food prepared by volunteers and sponsored by generous individuals.

The nourishment gala was a joyous occasion, as the IDPs and the volunteers enjoyed the food and the fellowship.

“Te nourishment gala featured a funfair with music, games, and gifts for the childre

Ntino said the gala nourishment was was their own of having the Christmas season on a good note and giving help to the IDPs children to cope with the trauma of displacement from their community to where they are now taking refuge.

The event was rounded up with a closing remark from the chairperson of the event who thanked everyone for their participation and cooperation.

The chairperson also encouraged everyone to continue to support the IDPs and to spread the message of love and kindness to the world.

“The event was a remarkable success, as we were able to achieve our objectives and make a positive difference in the lives of the IDPs. We received positive feedback from the IDPs, who expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the event.”

He expressed gratitude to all their sponsors who made this event possible, adding that Without their support, they could not have been able to organize such a meaningful and impactful event.

“We hope that this event will serve as a testimony of the good work that we have done,” he stressed.

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