NGO Commended for Efforts to Fight Covid-19

A non-governmental organisation, My Legacy, has been commended for supporting government efforts in fighting Covid-19 pandemic in the country.

The Community Development Officer for Kinondoni Municipal, John Deogratius, said in Dar es Salaam on Wednesday that the support in the fight against the pandemic was of paramount importance because the government cannot do by itself.

“It is from this backdrop that the government permitted organisations to join hands in the efforts to root out the disease in community,” he said while winding up training for stakeholders organised by My Legacy.

“The non-governmental organisations are second arm of the government in addressing various challenges affecting the society. Thus it is important that the organisations chip in to support the government efforts,” he said.

“In one way or the other corona virus has adverse impacts in the society such as causing death to many people some of them being family members, relatives and friends. The government is ready to work with all organisations in the fight against the pandemic,”

He urged stakeholders to support President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s efforts to promote the country’s attractions in the global arena.

Mr Deogratius urged non-governmental organisations to make sure they keep records on how they work with the community and share with the government so that they can be used in planning for development.

On her part, My Legacy Managing Director Fortunata Temu said they started building capacity of their team since May this year on how to protect and fight against the deadly virus.

“Our meeting intended to give feedback of what we agreed recently on how to work with the government to make sure that the community remains safe from the deadly corona virus,” she said.

She said through social media, they have managed to sensitize over 17 million people in the community to undergo Covid-19 vaccination.

RENEWABLE energy stakeholders from different countries commenced a three day meeting on Tuesday aimed at discussing how they can utilize available opportunities in the sector.

During his opening remarks, Minister for Energy, January Makamba, called upon them to see how they can give priority to clean cooking energy especially in rural areas.

He said that, investment in clean cooking energy will make a great difference in the lives of rural residents and reduce respiratory diseases cause by the use of charcoal and firewood.

Makamba said that since the forum has brought together investors, researchers, donors and other stakeholders of renewable energy from different countries, they are in better position to grab the opportunities available in supplying renewable energy especially in rural areas.

Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) Chief Executive Officer, David Lecoque, said that this year’s Energy Access Investment Forum (EAIF) will be a landmark step towards scaling up sustainable clean energy access globally.

Lecoque said that EAIF offers delegates the chance to connect with key industry players including over 80 investors and more than 1,000 industry participants and other stakeholders.

“This is the first event since Covid-19 pandemic and we have put Tanzania in the forefront on renewable energy. Clean energy is a cheap solution because it can create more than 25 million jobs. ARE has more than 200 member companies working in solar energy, hydro, wind, biomass and we are rich in technology, “said Lecoque.

According to him, EAIF 2022 agenda includes sessions on green recovery, productive use, funding opportunities for decentralised renewable energy (DRE) companies, policy framework for renewable electrification, the blue economy, clean cooking and June 30 sessions will be entirely devoted to Tanzania.

The Head of European Union Delegation in Tanzania and the East African Community (EAC) region, Manfredo Fanti, said the ongoing event is in line with the recently adopted EU green deal which focuses on the clean energy transition and in line with their ongoing support to Tanzania to improve energy efficiency and better service delivery to citizens.

Business Development Director of Sagemcom Energy & Telecom, Yann Chauvelin, said, they were delighted to be a partner of EAIF, a major event in the sector of electricity access and renewable energy.”

Steven Fleurus, the CFO of ENGIE Energy Access said that the forum was a good opportunity to them to connect with key stakeholders and partners and share their vision on how to provide decentralised energy to people not connected to the grid.

Assistant Commissioner of Renewable Energy, Edward Ishengoma, said the Ministry of Energy is the one which makes policies and programmes that concern with the development of the energy sector and the 2015 policy recognizes the importance of including the private sector in developing the energy sector as there are such many sources for energy production as gas, coal, solar, wind, water and others.

The Chairman of Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA), Prosper Magali, said that their association is working to promote the use of sustainable renewable energy and energy efficiency in Tanzania Mainland and they have a network of more than 800 members.

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