Mzimba-North NGO celebrates christmas with elderly

Malawi: The members of a Mzimba-North-based Youth Initiative for Civic Education and Accountability celebrated Christmas with the elderly. The youngsters visited the elderly at Ekwendeni in Mzimba North to extend Christmas greetings.

During the visit, the members of the youth-based initiative interacted with several elderly individuals. Executive Director Albert Mkandawire claimed that safeguarding the rights of the elderly is crucial in the social-economic development of the country.

He made these remarks during a Christmas get-together organised for the elderly at Ekwendeni in Mzimba North. The initiative was designed to bring festive cheer to the section of people who are often left neglected by their families and loved ones.

“We had over one hundred older persons from the area. We interacted with them on issues regarding their rights and the need to report any violations of the same to relevant authorities,” said Mkandawire.

The Christmas get together served as an opportunity for older people of the country to open up and talk about the issues that they are facing. The members of the organization are committed to the cause of protecting the elderly people.

Supporting the youth initiative, Group Village Headman Kajiso Shaba challenged the community to be vigilant. He asked them to take the lead in reporting and unearthing all sorts of abuse being perpetrated against them.

Speaking earlier, a social worker from the office of District Social Welfare responsible for Mzimba North, Goodwell Kalimanjira,  said it’s unfortunate that most people, specifically the elderly, are not aware of their rights resulting in suffering in silence.

Youth Initiative for Civic Education and Accountability opened its doors in 2017 with a focus on the promotion of youth and elderly rights.

The organization has been working tirelessly for the benefit of vulnerable elderly people. The people of Malawi appreciated the organization for focussing on the rights of the elderly. Some social media also applauded the organization for spending the festival with the elderly.

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