Innovative Health Services and Solutions

Strategic Focus Area 2: Develop and deliver sustainable health services and solutions for improved access to and utilisation of quality preventive, curative, and restorative health services.

Strategic Objectives and Priority Interventions

Strategic Objective 1: Increase access to quality promotive, preventive, curative and restorative health services among women, children, adolescents and the youth

Priority Intervention: Health services improvement

Provide facility and community-based health services (promotion, disease prevention, treatment and restorative) that meet community needs
Strengthen referral services between health facilities and communities
Co-create and deploy sustainable solutions for increasing health services’ access and quality, working with the civil society, private sector, governments, and communities.

Priority Intervention: Promotive health

Work in households to reduce the causes of ill health
Package and disseminate health information

Strategic Objective 2: Increase utilisation of health services

Priority Intervention: Demand creation

Develop community-centred, affordable, innovative solutions that bridge the health system gaps at the community level
Develop and deploy business models for bringing innovations and solutions to the market
Scale up service delivery innovations for hard-to-reach communities

Strategic Objective 3: Innovatively improve quality health services

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