Help Save Children in Somalia

Somalia is one of the hardest places on earth to be a child. Ranked third only to Syria and Afghanistan, Somalia tops a list of the 10 most dangerous conflict-affected countries to be a child.

Decades of civil war have left the country mired in poverty and, in many places, without a functioning government. Today, more than 6 million people, including nearly 800,000 newly displaced by drought, are experiencing extreme food shortages and loss of livelihood.

Four consecutive rainy seasons have failed in the Horn of Africa with forecasts for a fifth poor rainy season later this year, with the crisis compounded by rising food prices due to the war in Ukraine and the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What’s Happening in Somalia Right Now?

The frequency and severity of drought in Somalia is unprecedented. One person dies from hunger every two minutes and 15 seconds.

The Challenges for Children in Somalia

Enduring extreme poverty and on the brink of famine, children in Somalia need your help.*

  • 1 child in 8 dies before their 5th birthday – 21 times the rate in the United States
  • 25% of children have stunted growth due to severe malnutrition
  • Half of school-age children are out of school
  • 49% of children are engaged in child labor
  • 25% of girls age 15-19 are married, while 1 in 10 give birth before the age of 19
  • 26% of the population has been forcible displaced due to conflict

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