2019 Tutu Fellow Samson Itodo has joined the board of the Kofi Annan Foundation. The Chair of the Board, Elhadj As Sy, said that at a time when half of the world’s population was younger than 30, Samson’s expertise and commitment to the inclusion of young people in politics and effective leadership would bring great value to the work of the foundation. Founded in 2007 by the late former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan the foundation is an independent, nonprofit whose mission is to help build peaceful, democratic and resilient societies.
Samson is a lawyer from Nigeria and Founder of Yiaga Africa, an NGO with the mission of promoting democracy in Africa.
One of his most significant achievements was the successful campaign #NotTooYoungToRun to lower the minimum age for elective office in Nigeria. The campaign was later adopted by the United Nations, African Union and Economic Community for the West African States.
You can read about Samson’s appointment to the board at the Foundation website.