Engage Now Africa marks 56th International Literacy Day

Engage Now Africa on Thursday, September 8, 2022, joined the rest of the world to celebrate the 56th International Literacy Day in collaboration with the Ghana Commission for UNESCO under the theme “Transforming Literacy Learning Spaces”.

The program gathered about 500 attendees, stakeholders, and the media, at the cultural hall of the Christiansburg Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The purpose of this program was to share with all stakeholders and the public the attainments of Engage Now Africa through the years of engaging in adult literacy and vocational skills training.

Engage Now Africa marks 56th International Literacy Day 

The chairperson for the program was Mrs. Elizabeth K.T. Sackey, the Chief Executive (Mayor) of Accra Metropolitan Assembly.

In her acceptance speech, she commended Engage Now Africa for such a wonderful program and for helping build mother Ghana.

Engage Now Africa marks 56th International Literacy Day 

Cecilia Amankwah, the Country Director of Engage Now Africa gave a welcome address by appreciating all dignitaries, stakeholders, and all invited guests for their massive attendance, and reminded them of the purpose of the gathering and pleaded with them to continue to give their support and contribution to help support more people.

There was a solidarity message from UNESCO Ghana Commission by Mrs. Ama Serwaa Nerquaye-Tetteh, the Secretary General of the commission who expressed her excitement that the NGO has the same vision as the commission, that is helping reduce illiteracy in the country.

Engage Now Africa marks 56th International Literacy Day 

Mr. Felix Kissiedu who is the Executive Director of United Way Ghana, expressed his excitement over their partnership with Engage Now Africa in making changes in the development of various communities. Madam Anne Ethel Komlaga, the Executive Director of Enterprise Bureau added her voice to reiterate the importance of education in all levels of life and the relevance of entrepreneurship development on the continent.

Cecilia Amankwah gave a detailed PowerPoint presentation of Engage Now Africa’s missions and visions as well as the impact the adult literacy and vocational skills program have had in the lives of individuals, families, communities, and regions in Ghana since the inception of the program.

Engage Now Africa marks 56th International Literacy Day 

On his part, special guest of honor, His Royal Majesty Nii Tachie Teiko Tsuru II, the paramount chief and the overlord of the Ga States, in the company of the entire chiefs, elders, and Queen mothers of the Ga states, expressed his enthusiasm about the programs Engage Now Africa does as an organization. He threw his support behind the NGO and promised that his doors are always open to for deliberation to help the people of the Ga land.

The founder and presidential candidate of the Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG), Mr. Kofi Akpaloo encouraged all stakeholders to come on board and join hands with Engage Now Africa to give education and provide skills training to the ordinary people to help them become self-reliant.

Eng. Peter Antwi-Bosiako, the Director General of Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) Commission who also stood in for the Deputy Minister of Education, John Ntim Fordjour, emphasized the importance of technical and vocational training, and applauded Engage Now Africa for the good job they are doing. He climaxed the day with the official launch of Engage Now Africa’s Vocational Skills Training Program.

Engage Now Africa marks 56th International Literacy Day 

Elder Duke of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints spoke on behalf of the Africa West Area presidency of the church to express their love for the dignitaries and the guests present and their joy in hosting the International Literacy Day in their premises.

The program was concluded with remarks from the chairperson, Elizabeth K.T. Sackey, the mayor of Accra. She congratulated Engage Now Africa for their good intervention programs and invited all the chiefs, ambassadors, political, and religious leaders, and other organizations and agencies to come partner with Engage Now Africa so that, they can expand their programs to all villages and corners of the country.

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