Empowering Women and Saving Lives: Solidarity Surgery in Africa

The seed of medicine in the Region of Africa

The Women’s Race has always been about more than just supporting women’s sports. It has also been a platform for solidarity and giving back to the community. This year, the organization behind the race will be supporting Solidarity Surgery, an NGO comprised of healthcare workers from the Region of Murcia who carry out medical campaigns in Africa.

Solidarity Surgery was founded in 2000 by a group of healthcare workers from Arrixaca who wanted to make a difference in countries with deficient healthcare systems. Over the years, the organization has grown to include specialists in various fields of medicine, as well as non-healthcare personnel to support their campaigns. They have carried out numerous trips to countries in Africa, with their most recent expedition being in Kenya and plans for another one to the Sahara.

The NGO relies on contributions from partners and organizes fundraising events such as popular races and tournaments to finance their campaigns. They have also received financial aid from companies and anonymous citizens. The upcoming Women’s Race, scheduled for Sunday, March 3, will also be contributing to Solidarity Surgery’s cause.

Through their dedication and commitment to improving healthcare in Africa, Cirugía Solidaria has left its mark in countries like Mali, Senegal, Kenya, Cameroon, and Tindouf. Their mission to train local people in healthcare practices and provide essential medical services has not only helped those in need but has also showcased the solidarity of the Region of Murcia’s healthcare professionals.

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