Centre For Rural Empowerment And Development support Kokrobite residents during Xmas

Centre For Rural Empowerment and Development, a fast-growing NGO reached out to residents of Kokrobiteduring the festive season.

And like its slogan-‘Empowering Africa, one community at a time, the inaugural outreach by the group was to introduce themselves to the community and find out their needs in the area

Its mission is clear; “to create and develop social value by engaging, supporting, and empowering underserved communities across Africa.

It is a passionate group of Africans, both within the continent and across the diaspora, dedicated to the growth and development of local communities.

CEO and founder of the NGO, Philip Belcher said “We did the event yesterday to introduce ourselves and our mission to the community in Kokrobite.

” Our goal is to start our NGO work focusing on Kokrobite as a priority.

“Yesterday we spoke to adults and children on the beach. Then we moved into the town streets and spoke to community business owners, neighbours, adults, children and teachers. We wanted to hear from the community regarding what they felt is the biggest need for their community. From this information, we will organize our funding to target the specific needs of the Kokrobite community. We spoke with more than 300 individuals, handed out 200 brochures, and gave away over 1000 pieces of candy to the community children.”

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