Cameroon Association for Elderly Care

ACAMAGE is an NGO officially registered in Cameroon in 2003 and originally founded in 1995. It works to provide housing, health and nutrition care for the most vulnerable older people.

The organisation campaigns and aims to develop actions to counter abuse, ageism and discrimination against older people, and promotes training, workshops and capacity building. ACAMAGE is active in promoting social pensions for older people working in the informal sector, and providing better value for those working in the formal sector. It has also been working to help abandoned older people in rural areas and develop humanitarian actions such as the provision of food.

ACAMAGE works for older people’s rights by supporting the UN Convention for the Rights of Older People, the ratification of the African Union Protocol for the Rights of Older people and participates in the Africa Stakeholder Group for Ageing.

ACAMAGE became a HelpAge global network member in January 2020.

Community Development Volunteers for Technical Assistance
CDVTA, established in 1998, collaborates with the Cameroon Government on social policy and older people’s issues. It has Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and is involved in advocacy, rights, social inclusion, home care and improving older people’s livelihoods.

CDVTA work is a combination of a grassroots implementation of older people’s clubs and social mobilisation at community level, using 350 community volunteers and a staff of 20. The presence of the clubs, and the improvements they bring to older men and women and the wider community, illustrates what can be done when people claim their rights. It shows that mobilisation is possible, that older people can work together to exercise their rights, and that they can be supported to bring in a consistent income.

A five-year project funding arrangement with UK’s Department for International Development, through All We Can, produced excellent results for CDVTA. It recently developed a five-year strategy aimed at ensuring an inclusive society where older people can live fulfilling lives.

CDVTA was visited by HelpAge in 1999 and became a HelpAge global network member in April 2016.

Moje Foundation
The Moje Foundation is a Cameroonian civil society organisation that promotes better, safer and healthier lives for vulnerable people. It was established in 1996 and works in the field of healthcare, focusing on primary, secondary and tertiary care and ocular diseases for very poor and marginalised people, many of whom are older people.

The foundation is a founding member of the national platform of civil society organisations of Cameroon’s health sector, the Central Technical Group of the Cameroon Health Financing Strategy, the Western Region Health NGO Cluster and the Western Regional Blood Transfusion Committee.

Moje Foundation became a member of the HelpAge global network in November 2018.

The Regional Centre for the Welfare of Ageing Persons
The Regional Centre for the Welfare of Ageing Persons (RECEWAPEC) is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-religious humanitarian organisation, founded in 1990. RECEWAPEC works for the welfare of older people in Cameroon.

RECEWAPEC’s programmes include income-generating activities such as pig farming, bee keeping and palm cultivation. They also support older people’s eyecare projects and have trained six eyecare volunteers, who are now carrying out outreach eye care on local older people. RECEWAPEC also reach older people and families affected by HIV and AIDS.

In 2011, RECEWAPEC signed a memorandum of understanding on health for older people with the government of Cameroon through the Ministry of Public Health.

RECEWAPEC took part in the United Nations 54th session of the General Assembly on Ageing in 1999 and in the Second World Assembly on Ageing in 2002. The centre has hosted regional meetings on ageing and social protection in 2006 and 2008 and is a member of the African Civil Society Platform on Social Protection. RECEWAPEC also participates in the HelpAge network Age Demands Action campaign.

RECEWAPEC, together with a group of German colleagues, has created a charity organisation in Germany called Help the Seniors in Cameroon. This organisation has been supporting RECEWAPEC activities since September 2012.

RECEWAPEC became a partner of HelpAge International in 2000 and a HelpAge global network member in 2004.


Democratic Republic of Congo

HelpAge Democratic Republic of Congo
HelpAge DRC is a national non-governmental organisation established in 2008 in Goma, capital of North Kivu province in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. It aims to advocate for the rights and needs of older people and their dependents to contribute to their integral development within the Congolese Communities.

HelpAge DRC provides humanitarian response on emergency, transitional and development aspects, including professional training oversight of grass roots community organisations and providing the institutional platform for these organisations through funding, management and business training. It also works to create a link between those institutions and those that can provide resources in areas such as protection, shelter, hygiene, agriculture-food security, health-nutrition, education and small business.

The activities promoted by HelpAge DRC to meet the needs of older people and their dependents include, among other, mobilising the leaders and the various decision-makers to establish a policy of good governance and promoting income-generating and intergenerational activities. It also provides counselling for those who are affected by physical or physiological issues. The organisation also works to raise awareness among older people about priority diseases, including sexually transmitted infections, HIV / AIDS, Leprosy / TB and Malaria and supports those who are victims of emergencies such as natural disasters, wars or are involved with armed groups in conflicts areas.

HelpAge DRC became a HelpAge global network member in January 2019. l



Ethiopia Elderly and Pensioners National Association
EEPNA is a national umbrella institution of older people’s associations in Ethiopia. It was established in 1998 by 56 associations working for the welfare of older people and became a legal entity in 2001.

The organisation was established by older Ethiopians from older people’s associations who were unhappy with the marginalisation of older people in the country.

EEPNA strives to strengthen the work of its members, as well as other organisations working on ageing. They receive support from HelpAge to build their capacity and advocate for the rights of older men and women in Ethiopia. Currently, EEPNA is the only institution of its kind that represents grassroots older people’s associations.

EEPNA became a HelpAge global network member in October 2011.


HelpAge Ethiopia
Since 1992, HelpAge Ethiopia has been striving to improve the lives of older people across Ethiopia.

HelpAge Ethiopia works together with local partners to secure reliable income, improve health in older age and help older people cope with drought. Find out more about the work of HelpAge in Ethiopia here.

Tesfa Social and Development Association (TSDA)
TSDA was established in 2000 in Ethiopia to improve the lives of marginalised groups in the country, in particular vulnerable children, women, and older people living in poverty. TSDA designs and implements participatory projects that aim to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, and facilitate income generation and employment opportunities.

TSDA has implemented various projects providing care and support for older people, community-based healthcare, education and learning, combating gender-based violence, and providing guidance to older people on how they can earn an income. It also provides food, shelter, and psychosocial and legal support, and is involved in fundraising, campaigning and advocacy.

TSDA became a HelpAge global network member in 2018.


Rift Valley Children and Women Development Organisation
RCWDO is a non-governmental and not for profit organisation. It was established in 1993 by a group of Ethiopians who were committed to fighting poverty in the Rift Valley.

Their aim is to create a healthy, productive and sustainable society which promotes quality of life and conserves the environment. To ensure this happens, RCWDO works with communities to include people who have been marginalised. RCWDO’s work spans a variety of issues, including food security, education, health, gender equity and human rights.

RCWDO became a network member in 2011, but has been working with HelpAge International since 1998. Their joint work aims to provide and improve services in areas such as health, securing incomes and providing shelter. The two organisations have also lobbied local and national authorities to include older people in development work.


The Gambia

Ageing with a Smile Initiative

ASI is a community based-organisation in the Gambia launched in 2010 to increase the health and social participation of older people in the country. ASI focuses on health, social care, inter-generational dialogue, promoting re-integration into community life, and campaigning through Age Demands Action.

ASI became a HelpAge global network member in 2017.



HelpAge Ghana
Based in Accra, HelpAge Ghana helps organisations in Ghana provide services for older people. It also contributes to the development of national policies and government services for older people.

HelpAge Ghana provides healthcare, shelter, clean clothing and food to older people. They also provide legal advice to enable older people to claim government services. The organisation arranges training for volunteer social workers and encourages local communities to support older people.

HelpAge Ghana is a leading authority on ageing in Ghana, being part of groups working towards the national social protection strategy and pension reforms. HelpAge Ghana is also an active Age Demands Action campaigner.

HelpAge Ghana was established in 1988 and has been a HelpAge global network member since 2004.



Ageing Concern Foundation (ACF)
Founded in 2018, Ageing Concern Foundation focuses on strengthening the livelihoods and resilience of older persons for rural population ageing in Kenyan counties. At ACF, we strive to enrich the livelihoods of vulnerable senior citizens (> 65 years), who are pillars from which communities, tap wisdom and guidance. Driven by a passion to offer practical and sustainable positive transformation, ACF is committed to taking actions that reenergize older people, amplify their voices and remove negative social stigma.

ACF is focused on improving the lives of older adults through caring services with opportunities in social interaction, recreation, needs and basic responsible support, volunteerism and community activism within their centred values on accountability, community-focused impact and responsibility.

Since 2018, ACF partnered with HelpAge and other local CSOs and CBOs piloted and implemented a civil society-led accountability system across five communities in the regions of Migori, Siaya, Kakamega, Narok, Meru, and Nairobi in Kenya. Participated in consultation with older people on the impact of COVID-19 on the rights of older persons to inform a report for the Open-ended working group on ageing. Currently, AFC is working on agriculture for the aged project that aims at adding an extra income to older persons, improving their well-being health and care and societal participation. It also seeks to solve the intergenerational gap as the project owned by older persons employs the community youth The programme is funded by the older persons focus groups.

HelpAge Kenya
HelpAge Kenya champions the rights of poor and disadvantaged older people in Kenya. HelpAge Kenya was a founding member of the HelpAge International global network when it was set up in 1983.

HelpAge Kenya’s programmes include supporting older people living in Kibagare, one of the most deprived areas of Nairobi. Many older people in Kenya care for children orphaned by HIV and AIDS and live in abject poverty. HelpAge Kenya supports them through a range of shelter and livelihoods programmes which help to improve their financial and social security.

HelpAge Kenya also enables older people to organise older citizens’ monitoring committees so they can monitor their access to healthcare. The data gathered is used to advocate for improvements. This has led to improved access to health services by older people in Machakos district and Nairobi. Find out more about HelpAge’s work in Kenya here.


Mangu Integrated Community Project
Registered in 2010, MICOP is a community based organisation base in Kenya with offices in Thika and member groups in the region of the Kiambu and Muranga Counties. MICOP’s core aim is to alleviate poverty and facilitate lasting change in the lives of old people and their families in Kenya. MICOP is also a founding member of the National Association of Older Persons of Kenya and has 20 older persons groups and more than 500 members.

Their mission is to passionately champion the rights of older persons in Kenya, through a rights based approach that promotes advocacy and empowerment for all and is inclusive of everyone in the community. They have a strong vision to help create an enabling space for the realisation, respect, and protection of fundamental rights for older persons.


Kenyan Aged People Require Information, Knowledge and Advancement (Karika)
Established in 2003, Kenyan Aged People Require Information, Knowledge and Advancement (Karika) is a community-based NGO that supports older people and their dependents in two informal settlements of Nairobi. It establishes older people’s associations and has helped older people access home-based care and generate income.

Karika empowers older people to engage with policymakers to improve health, living conditions and services, as well as itself advocating the Government on issues affecting older people.

Karika became a HelpAge global network member in 2017.


Kenya Society for People with Aids
Kenya Society for People with AIDS (KESPA) is a community-based organisation, established in 1992. Its main objective is to prevent HIV infections, but it also supports those living with or affected by HIV and AIDS.

Due to the high prevalence of HIV in the western Kenyan district of Siaya, project activities are largely focused on this area and neighbouring districts. Since its inception, KESPA has provided over 15,000 individuals with counselling and HIV testing services.

KESPA has been involved in lobbying and advocating for older people’s issues to be included in HIV and AIDS policy. They also run joint projects with HelpAge, supporting older people who care for children orphaned by HIV and AIDS.

In 2007, KESPA joined the HelpAge global network. It is also active participants in HelpAge’s Age Demands Action campaign.


Pamoja Community Based Organization
PAMOJA is a community-based organisation established in 2009 and is operational in Kisumu County in Western Kenya. PAMOJA targets the general population with special attention to people living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children, but also strives to promote wellbeing and inclusion of older people and reduce discrimination in later life.

The organisation works in diverse areas that include advocacy, disaster risk reduction, health and care, human rights, inclusion, income and livelihoods and social protection. The organisation has been also working in humanitarian actions such as the building of public ecosan toilets for all ages when there was an outbreak of cholera in Remba island and food distribution to the victims of flood displacement in Ahero area.

PAMOJA has been running training courses across Kenya, working with local farmers, to consolidate smallholder farms into larger farms in which older persons are engaged and subsidised to produce food. This is helping to tackle the challenges of poor nutrition and food scarcity among older people.

PAMOJA became a HelpAge global network member in January 2020.

The District Pastoralist Association
The District Pastoralist Association (DPA) or the Kulmiye Pastoralist Association (KPA) was founded in 1996 by 11 Pastoral Associations. Today, it consists of more than 50 throughout Kenya.

The association works on various programmatic areas including income generation, advocacy, capacity building and food and water security.

The collaboration with HelpAge began in 2008 when DPA was brought in as partner on the Hunger Safety Net Project. Since then they have led some of the programme activities and gained extensive experience in working with poor older people.

Since 2008, DPA has mainstreamed older people into their programmatic work realising that older people are a key group to work with to eradicate vulnerability and conflict.

DPA is seen as a strong advocator for vulnerable group and has done lobby work to improve accessibility and quality of services. They also collaborate with the Kenyan government and various development agencies to improve services such as water, education, agricultural and veterinary services

One of DPA’s key assets is their well-developed monitoring and evaluation system which is essential when collecting data that can be used for evidence-based advocacy on local and national level.

The District Pastoralist Association joined the HelpAge global network as a member in 2012. It became the third Kenyan organisation in the network.



The Maseru Women Senior Citizens Association
The Maseru Women Senior Citizens Association was established in 1997. Its mission is to improve the quality of life of older people, with particular emphasis on physical and mental healthcare and social and economic security. They encourage active ageing and combat all forms of discrimination and abuse.

The association arranges home-visits to older people who are housebound. It also raises funds by running sewing and knitting lessons for members, as well as cake sales. At Christmas, they hold parties for older people and distribute presents to those who cannot attend because of ill health.

From 2009-2011, the association also hosted Operation Crossroads. This is where university students from the US and Canada have the opportunity to spend six weeks working on development programmes with older people.

The Maseru Women Senior Citizens Association became HelpAge global network member in 2004.



Center for Community Advancement and Family Empowerment (CECAFE)
The Center for Community Advancement and Family Empowerment (CECAFE) was established in 2014 in Liberia and is an extension of the Social Work Department of the United Methodist University. It stregthens communities to better serve vulnerable social groups, including older people.

At the national level, CECAFE organises national conferences on ageing, campaigns through Age Demands Action and lead the establishment of a national ageing network.

CECAFE has been working and sharing information with HelpAge International since the 2014 Ebola outbreak and became a HelpAge global network member in 2017.


National Senior Citizens Organisation of Liberia
NASCOL is a non-governmental body that was initially set up to address the needs of older people after the war and to ensure their voices were heard in the days of reconstruction and rebuilding of Liberia. Founded in 2006 in the City of Kakata, Margibi County, NASCOL’s vision for the future is their commitment to ensure that older people are not left behind and that they are empowered by positive action and change.



Malawi Network of Elderly Persons Organisations
Malawi Network of Elderly Persons Organisation (MANEPO) was established in 2010 and serves as an umbrella body for over 60 organisations implementing various programmes designed to improve the quality of life and promote the rights of older people in Malawi.

The network improves coordination, knowledge sharing and social inclusion of all the organisations through programmes and policies aimed at reducing poverty, maltreatment and prejudice.

The work of MANEPO is primarily focused on income security, health and care, abuse and discrimination, and advocacy, but also works on gender, disability and disaster risk reduction. In its advocacy work, MANEPO has been campaigning for age-friendly health services and for the introduction of a universal pension for all older people in Malawi.

MANEPO represents the Malawi Network in the Southern Africa Regional Ageing Network, SARAN. It became a HelpAge global network member in 2018.



Droits Humains Ocean Indien (DIS-MOI)
Droit Humains Ocean Indien (DIS-MOI) is an international NGO established in 2012 and operating in Mauritius and the coastal parts of East Africa including Rodrigues, Agalega and the Chagos, Madagascar, the Comoros and the Seychelles. It primarily focuses on human rights education and research, to benefit not only older people but also children, youth, women, migrants and people living with disabilities.

DIS-MOI has been instrumental in establishing Amicale de L’Ocean Indien, a national network of human rights activists. The organisation has also played a key role in convening a national platform to lobby the Government to participate in the Open Ended Working Group on Ageing (United Nations) for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights for older people.

Droits Humains Ocean Indien became a HelpAge global network member in January 2019.


Mauritius Family Planning & Welfare Association
Established in 1957, the Mauritius Family Planning and Welfare Association (MFPWA) is the leading national NGO working on family planning and sexual and reproductive health. It promotes social justice, gender equality, individual and family rights and contraception, among other issues.

MFPWA supports older people in ten districts of Mauritius through advocacy, networking and care. Their most notable achievement was the introduction of the 2005 Mauritius Family Planning and Welfare Association Act. This legislation secured the creation of a National Executive Committee which supports older people’s welfare.

The Association supports the provision of health services for older people, including screening services for breast and prostate cancer. They also work in collaboration with the Senior Citizens’ Council and the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions on issues affecting older and vulnerable people.

MFPWA became HelpAge global network member in 2004.


Senior Citizen’s Council of Mauritius
Established in 1985, the Senior Citizens’ Council (SCC) works to improve the wellbeing and welfare of older people. This includes sharing information on gerontology and working with organisations engaged in similar activities.

The Council organises cultural shows, seminars, talks, workshops, literacy courses and exhibitions with and for older people. SCC organises exercise classes and dances for older people and actively encourages them to join older people’s associations.

It also participates in seminars, workshops and conferences on ageing, both in Mauritius and abroad. The council continues to work with and for older people by advising the government on the challenges older people face.

SCC has been working with HelpAge International since 1991 and became a global network member in 2004. Since then the two have worked very closely together on securing better social protection for the older people of Mauritius.



Association of Retired Persons Mozambique
Founded in 1993, the Association of Retired Persons Mozambique (APOSEMO) now has 25 members of staff working in Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane and Zambézia provinces. They are well-known for lobbying at ministerial level, where they focus particularly on social pensions. Their aim is to ensure pensions are on a par with the minimum wage.

APOSEMO has operated a health centre since 1998, which includes a pharmacy and a laboratory and is staffed by volunteer doctors. They also work with a local hospital to offer free treatment to older people and people.

HelpAge International has funded some of the organisations’ projects, including emergency work in 2003 when Mozambique experienced floods and an advocacy programme to stop the violation of older people’s rights.

APOSEMO has been a partner of HelpAge International since 1999.


Association for Community Development Action in Sofala
ASADEC works with children, youth and older people to promote social-economic and cultural development actions in rural communities, and in collaboration, and coordination, with various partners to tackle problems affecting local communities throughout Mozambique. ASACED is HelpAge International’s implementing partner who shown a high sense of commitment to the rights of older people. They achieve success in challenging environments by working closely with community volunteers. For instance, immediately after cyclone Idai impacted the country, ASADEC mobilized its community volunteers to support HelpAge with the distribution of essential items and to conduct the Rapid Needs Assessment for Older People in three districts.

ASADEC’s vision is to contribute to the improvement of living conditions of the most vulnerable and deprived communities, promoting the economic and social-cultural development of older people, children and people living with disability. They are committed to doing this through supporting people’s capacity building and growing their competencies.


HelpAge Mozambique
HelpAge has worked in Mozambique since 1988, partnering with local organisations and the Government to improve older people’s access to healthcare, social and financial security and protect them from injustice and abuse.
HelpAge Mozambique works to facilitate access to health services for older people, reduce the impact of HIV and AIDS, ensure secure income for older people, promote the rights of older people and ensure older people’s needs are met in emergency relief efforts. Find out more about HelpAge’s projects in Mozambique here.



Coalition of Societies for the Rights of Older Persons in Nigeria
COSROPIN is an international NGO established in 2016 in Nigeria to promote the wellbeing of older people. It operates as the national platform for the rights of older people in the country, functioning as a coalition for associations such as civil society organisations, NGOs and faith based organisations who work with ageing and retired groups.

COSROPIN has been advocating and developing policies to engage the Government and stakeholders in Nigeria to address public policy action on ageing at all levels. It works towards eliminating all forms of structural marginalisation, neglect and exclusion.

In 2017, the Government gave the Coalition the responsibility to support them in developing the legal and policy framework for older people. COSROPIN has organised seminars, conferences and activities to promote the wellbeing of older people, including hosting of annual national ageing conferences. COSROPIN became a HelpAge global network member in January 2020.

The Fantsuam Foundation
The Fantsuam Foundation was founded in 1996 and is a registered NGO that works on a number of areas including service provision, advocacy, health and food security.

They work with a number of age-groups including children and older people. The focus on older people is a direct response to the issue of orphans left in the care of unsupported grandparents. Also, the economic consequences of migration has been a strong factor for focusing on older people, as the organisation saw how children and grandparents were left back in the villages, when parents moved to cities for jobs and education.

The lack of care for older people during periods of communal unrest is also a key area of service for Fantsuam Foundation.

Another key work area of the Fantsuam Foundation is therefore to promote social protection. You can read more about this work in Director John Dada`s blog on HelpAge’s PensionsWatch website.

The Fantsuam Foundation also participated in the MIPAA review in preparation for the Ageing in the 21st Century report. This ensured that the voices of Nigeria’s older people were included in this ground-breaking report.

In 2012, the Fantsuam Foundation became HelpAge’s first HelpAge global network member in Nigeria and is set to play a key role in expanding the HelpAge global network to other countries in West Africa.



NSINDAGIZA is an NGO established in Rwanda in 2014 to support disadvantaged older people, especially those with disabilities or chronic diseases. It focuses on health and care, but also carries out awareness building and advocacy work.

It provides home care visits to people who are ill, and undertakes community outreach programmes to screen for various non-communicable diseases. It raises awareness of HIV and AIDS among older people, and offers training to older people to become home-based carers and peer educators.

NSINDAGIZA campaigns through Age Demands Action, and supports regional and international debates on older people’s rights. NSINDAGIZA became a HelpAge global network member in 2017.


Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Society for the Welfare of the Aged
Sierra Leone Society for the Welfare of the Aged is an NGO founded in 1988 to provide shelter, support and care for older people, and other vulnerable groups, in Sierra Leone. It primarily works through the King George VI Memorial Home. It works to raise public awareness for the welfare and rights of older and vulnerable people.


Current Evangelism Ministries
Established in 1992, Current Evangelism Ministries (CEM) aims to improve the living conditions of vulnerable people by providing social and financial support.

CEM’s programmes are designed in line with Sierra Leone’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, which emphasises a decentralised approach to sustainable rural development to promote economic growth.

Areas of work include reproductive healthcare, HIV and AIDS campaigns, micro-finance support for war widows and women in difficult circumstances, and the provision of basic farm tools, fertilisers, animal restocking and chicken rearing.

CEM advocates for older people and children’s rights, builds the capacity of civil society organisations through training, and provides basic education for orphans and excluded children.

In 2010, CEM set up an umbrella organisation, the National Council for the Welfare of the Elderly. This organisation promotes the welfare of older people through advocacy, policy formulation and research.

CEM has been working with HelpAge International since 1992 and became a global network member in 1996.



Horn International Relief and Development Organization (HIRDO)
HIRDO was established in 2005 to empower communities in Somalia by strengthening individuals as agents of immediate and lasting change, including conflict transformation. HIRDO undertakes advocacy activities on older prisoners’ rights to correspond with international standards of prison management and access to justice while underscoring the importance of human rights in the prison environment. HIRDO also undertakes capacity development and institutional strengthening on older prisoners’ rights to ensure proper management of prisons. It creates awareness and educates the public on the rights of prisoners to highlight the values within which its prisons operate and advances the role of civil society in advocating for prisoners’ rights.

HIRDO coordinates with the national protection cluster of Somalia for sharing updates on the situation of older persons and raising the issue of inclusivity in humanitarian interventions.

Kaalmo Relief and Development
Kaalmo Relief and Development (KRD) is a non-governmental organisation established in 2011 in Somalia by a group of young and energetic people who were motivated and committed for alleviating the plight of affected people and the development and empowerment of socially disadvantaged and vulnerable communities in Gedo region (Somalia) by addressing poverty issues and gender based discriminations and support them to became socially and economically independent.

The organisation works with older people, children, youth, women and people with disabilities in local, district and national geographic areas. KRM areas of work includes livelihood support with the aim of assisting the community generate self-sustaining incomes through small enterprises; peace building and conflict resolution through mediation between warring clans and promotion of sanitation and hygiene increasing availability of clean water and rehabilitation of water resources.

KRD is a member of various networks in Somalia including Somalia South-Central Non-State Actors (SOSCENSA), Peace and Human Rights Network (PHRN), Gedo Peace Consortium (GPC) and East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders (EHAHRD).

Kaalmo Relief and Development became a HelpAge global network member in October 2019.


South Africa

Founded in 1956 as the South African Council for the Ages, Age-in-Action is a NGO representing over two million older people in South Africa. The organisation has over 800 NGO members that provide vital services to more than 150,000 older people.

Age-in-Action’s mission is to uphold older people’s rights through advocacy and lobbying. Their programmes are designed to ensure older people have access to care, support and protection, training and development and sustainable income. To deliver these, the organisation has initiated community-based healthcare and empowerment programmes.

In June 2009, Age-in-Action organised demonstrations, exhibitions and educational seminars as part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Their aims were to create awareness of the abuse older people face and to stir people to take decisive action against it.


Elim Hlanganani Society for the Care of the Aged
Elim Hlanganani Society for the Care of the Aged is a non-profit organisation established in 1993. Its mission is to care for older people in their homes and help them fight poverty in their communities.

They encourage older people to be active in their community and improve the lives of those who are disabled, affected by HIV and AIDS or have problems with drug or alcohol abuse.

Their “Bread for thy Neighbour” programme currently helps older people and those they care for by providing them with food, clothing and blankets in the winter.

With support from HelpAge, the Society has also been able to train voluntary caregivers and organise workshops for older people on their rights. Elim has also collaborated with HelpAge to help older people collect the pensions.

Elim Hlanganani Society for the Care of the Aged has worked with HelpAge since 1994 and became a HelpAge global network member in 1996.


Muthande Society for the Aged
Muthande Society for the Aged (MUSA) was formed by a group of community nurses, social workers, health educators and community leaders in Durban in 1982. Today, MUSA supports more than 2000 older people.

MUSA’s aim is to meet the social, physical, economic and emotional needs of older people. To do so, they have a range of services and programmes, including projects preventing social isolation and providing meals.

MUSA has worked with several national and international NGOs to secure older people’s rights.

MUSA works with HelpAge on areas such as supporting older people living with or caring for relatives who are affected HIV and AIDS. Trained caregivers visit older people to offer counselling, nursing, care and guidance on healthy eating and living. They also take part in the Age Demands Action campaign, coordinated by HelpAge.

MUSA has been working with HelpAge International since 1997 and became a global network member in 2004.


South Sudan

Africa Development Aid
ADA is a Christian national organisation established in 2012 in South Sudan, operating in Greater Upper Nile, Eastern Equatorial and Jonglei States. The organisation supports integrated development among the needy, working for older people, children, youth, women, people living with disabilities and indigenous people.

ADA works on food security, nutrition, and livelihoods. It’s programme covers increasing agricultural productivity and conditional cash transfers, education and child protection, hygiene, health, humanitarian emergency, disaster risk reduction and mitigation, peace-building, protection, advocacy and gender. The organisation works in the front line of humanitarian emergencies where they overcome operational challenges. ADA became a HelpAge global network member in January 2020.

Humanitarian Development Consortium (HDC)
HDC is a national non-governmental organisation founded in 2008 in South Sudan to provide humanitarian and relief-related services. The organisation delivers programmes to support refugees, returnees, vulnerable host communities and internally displaced persons. It supports crisis-intervention and livelihood-focused initiatives to create opportunities for marginalised and disadvantaged people.

HDC’s programme covers food security, better livelihoods, building community resilience, protection and gender development, advocating for basic human rights, equitable education development, promoting conflict resolution, establishing traditional peace committees, and promoting good governance, citizenship and civic education.

HDC engages in emergency and humanitarian responses and is a key actor in front-line humanitarian work in South Sudan. During the 2013 crises, it distributed core relief items to more than 10,000 households across the country. HDC has also been providing shelters to vulnerable groups including older people.

Humanitarian Development Consortium became a HelpAge global network member in January 2020.

South Sudan Older People’s Organization
South Sudan Older People’s Organization (SSOPO) is a registered NGO, which was established in 1999 with support from HelpAge International.
SSOPO addresses the challenges faced by older people, while continuing to highlight the contributions they make to society.

They seek to achieve their mission of supporting older people by disseminating knowledge and transferring skills to older people in areas such as poverty alleviation, social justice, human rights and health services.

Among other projects, SSOPO has established a vocational training centre where young people and women in households headed by older people can learn skills, such as clothes-making, cookery, baking and business.

SSOPO became HelpAge global network in October 2012.



Almanar Voluntary Organization
Almanar Voluntary Organization (AMVO) is a women’s NGO established in 1991 to reverse the tide of deterioration of the overall socioeconomic situation and the basic rights of women.

AMVO works with internally displaced people, returnees, refugees, host communities and authorities on community-focused, participatory, capacity building programmes. They cover livelihoods and economic development, health and nutrition, and civil society development.

It has a holistic approach to give people the ability to freely exercise rights, to increase access to basic services, to enable community development, and to build an active civil society for all. AMVO works in partnership with civil society, government authorities and other stakeholders to advocate on issues of key importance to the people of Sudan.

In collaboration with communities, AMVO works with extremely vulnerable groups to improve social cohesion, build functioning institutions and enable communities to meet their basic needs, thereby contributing to moving Sudan toward a sustainable and just peace.


Sudanese Society for the Care of Older People
Sudanese Society for the Care of Older People (SSCOP) is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, which has been working on ageing and development issues since 1994.

SSCOP’s mission is to improve older people’s livelihoods by championing their issues, advocating their rights and providing services whenever possible. They aim to improve the quality of older people’s lives and maintain their dignity, as well as preserving Sudanese traditions and customs.

SSCOP carry out nutrition programmes, awareness raising activities of older people’s issues and income generating projects.

In 2002, SSCOP participated in the preparation for the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing conference and will follow up on the implementation of this in 2012.

SSCOP became a HelpAge partner in 1997 and an Affiliate in 2004. Since then, they have been actively involved in HelpAge’s global Age Demands Action campaign.



HelpAge Tanzania
HelpAge Tanzania works with local partners to secure older people’s incomes through campaigning for and implementing sustainable social protection programmes. HelpAge Tanzania also works to improve refugees’ lives, and improve health and care services by supporting thousands of public health facilities to deliver age-friendly health services. Find out more about the work HelpAge does in Tanzania here.

Relief to Development Society – REDESO
Relief to Development Society is a not-for-profit and non-governmental organisation established in 1998 in Tanzania and working with older people, children, young people, women and migrants.

REDESO strives to provide relief services and promote sustainable development to vulnerable communities through capacity enhancement interventions and developing and delivering humanitarian programs with a special focus on livelihoods, environmental management and urban refugee programming.

In terms of humanitarian actions, Relief to Development Society has provided of firewood to people with special needs in refugee camps and conducting conflict resolution meetings between refugees and host communities to create peaceful co-existence. For over 20 years has supported refugees, asylum seekers and local communities in Tanzania such as Kagera, Kigoma, Tanga, Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Tabora, Shinyanga, Simiyu and Katavi Regions.

Relief to Development Society became a HelpAge global network member in October 2019.


Saidia Wazee Karagwe (SAWAKA) is a NGO that advocates for the rights of older people and vulnerable groups in Tanzania. It is located in the Karagwe region where it is part of various networks and has established a good link with the local government.

SAWAKA’s mission is to improve older people’s standard of living through a number of community-based projects. These include civic and legal rights projects, housing improvement projects, relief services and income generating activities.

SAWAKA runs another project that encourages school children to raise money to support older people in their community. This project promotes interaction between generations and raises awareness with the general public of the issues older people face.

In November 2011, the Foundation for Civil Society of Tanzania awarded SAWAKA with two awards. One was for best grantee and the other for best policy work.

SAWAKA has been working with HelpAge International since 1996 and became HelpAge global network member in 2006.


Tanzania Mission to the Poor and Disabled
Tanzania Mission to the Poor and Disabled (PADI) is a NGO that works to improve the lives and social welfare of the poor, disabled and older people in Tanzania.

PADI works on projects supporting older people who are affected by HIV and AIDS and directly in communities to help vulnerable groups, including older people.
The organisation works at grassroots level to alleviate poverty in both rural and urban areas. They also build wells and providing training and small loans to businesses and farmers.

In November 2011, PADI won The Civil Society Excellence Award from the Foundation for Civil Society of Tanzania. This achievement raised awareness of PADI and HelpAge’s work and in both Tanzania and East Africa.

PADI has worked with HelpAge International for many years and became HelpAge global network member in October 2011.



Univers de Solidarité et de Développment in Togo (UNI.SOL.D)
UNI.SOL.D is a national NGO established in 2004 in Togo working to alleviate poverty and promote social welfare for older people. It aims to better enable their rights to lead dignified, healthy and secure lives.

The organisation works on food security and livelihoods, adult literacy and education, social protection, health care, humanitarian emergencies, disaster risk reduction and mitigation and advocacy. UNI.SOL.D also works to improve life for older people through providing health care medicines and facilitating the donation of clothing and food.

In 2017, UNI.SOL.D partnered with the HelpAge Africa Regional Office in delivering the Older People Consultation – Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing Third Review (MIPAA+15). The organisation has also influenced the process of ratification of the AU protocol by the Government of Togo.

UNI.SOL.D became a HelpAge global network member in January 2020.



Community-Based Rehabilitation Alliance (COMBRA)
COMBRA was founded as an indigenous non-governmental organization in December 1990, and works to empower communities for effective mainstreaming of persons with disabilities and older people in development programs using community-based rehabilitation approaches for sustainable development.

COMBRA works at national levels and targets older persons, children, and persons with disabilities on the following themes of interest to HelpAge: income and livelihoods, social protection, health, ageism, age, disability, and gender inclusion and strengthening the voice of older people. In addition, it addresses the provision of home-based care support to families of persons with disabilities and older persons. COMBRA places older persons at the centre of its work and involves them in training and as beneficiaries of its services including assistive devices. COMBRA Board members are primarily older persons.

COMBRA is interested in building Ugandan government support of the UN Convention on the Rights of Older People and the Regional Office sees this as an opportunity to also advance advocacy for the ratification of the AU Protocol on the Rights of Older Persons.

Grandmothers Consortium
Grandmother Consortium is a non-governmental organisation established in 2016 with the aim of having a unified voice for advocacy for grandmothers led by grandmothers themselves and create an environment where their rights and needs in areas such as social protection, health and care and violent and abuse are integrated in all national programs in Uganda.

The organisation became a platform bringing together 6 Grandmother organisations which are: Reach One Touch One Ministries (ROTOM), Reach Out Mbuya Parish HIV/AIDs Project, Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project, Phoebe Education Fund for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (PEFO), St. Francis Heath Care Services (SFHCS) and Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organisation(KM).

Grandmother Consortium works under three main objectives which are advocacy to improve national policies and promote rights and needs of grandmothers in Uganda; research and learning to undertake studies on areas of concern for them in order to inform policy advocacy and resource mobilisation with the aim of increasing resources targeting grandmothers’ interventions.

Grandmothers Consortium became a HelpAge global network member in October 2019.


Health Nest Uganda
Esatblished in 2007, Health Nest Uganda (HENU) is an indigenous non-profit organisation based in Entebbe, Uganda. It seeks to promote the dignity, equality and independence of older people at a community level.

HENU supports older people through three approaches: rights awareness and advocacy, developing skills and promoting healthy lifestyles, and carrying out research through community and international partnerships.

Since it was established, HENU has helped older men and women through health camps and specialist referrals, improved adult literacy to transform their livelihoods, formed over ten community groups with 100 members each and promoted positive ageing through sporting activities, as well as much more.

Currently HENU, with the support of HelpAge, is implementing a research project to assess the health outcomes of older people in Wakiso and Jinja.

HENU became a proud member and an affiliate of HelpAge in April 2016.


HelpAge Uganda
HelpAge Uganda works towards building secure incomes, supporting older people’s health and helping refugee communities. Find out more about the work of HelpAge in Ugance here.

Palliative Care Association of Uganda (PCAU)
PCAU was established in 1999 and registered in 2003. It works to accelerate the integration of palliative care in the health care system in Uganda through capacity building, research, and resource mobilization. Additionally, it works in capacity building of health workers and the health care system strengthening on issues of pain management and palliative care.

Reach a Hand Uganda (RAHU)
Reach a Hand Uganda is a youth-centred organisation focusing on youth empowerment programs with an emphasis on livelihoods & skills development, behaviour change communication, sexual reproductive health & rights, and HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. RAHU believes that its efforts are timely to contribute to ensuring that every young person in Uganda can access the accurate information to aid and direct them in taking crucial life decisions regarding their life skills and development, behaviour change communication, and sexual reproductive health and rights.

RAHU has engaged with the HelpAge Uganda Country Office in hosting intergenerational dialogues and in the recent past collaborated with HelpAge International and WHO to raise awareness on elder abuse through a Twitter Storm on the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 2021. RAHU brings to the Global Network a much-needed connection with youth organizations with an additional advantage of using technology, media, and communications.

Voice of the Elderly
The Voice of the Elderly (Eiraka Ry’Abakeira – Uganda) was established 2012 as a community-based organization to promote social awareness and empowerment in matters of human rights, social inclusion and full productivity and enjoyment of societal resources. It is currently finalizing the legal transition into a non-governmental organization. Their mission statement is to promote social awareness and empowerment in matters of human rights, social inclusion and full productivity and enjoyment of societal resources.

Voice of the Elderly is currently working with 15 volunteers undertaking advocacy for older refugees in Kigezi and Ankole regions. It covers several multisectoral issues across the areas of income and livelihoods, social protection, health, violence, abuse, neglect and age, disability, and gender inclusion. It provides empowerment programs for older persons.



Support to Older People (STOP)
STOP was established in 2015 after the launch of the National Ageing Policy by the Government of the Republic of Zambia.

This policy called for concerted efforts from stakeholders to holistically address the various socio-economic challenges which the majority of Zambians face as they grow older. STOP found that some older people were stranded after getting discharged from hospitals because they lacked transport to go back to their homes while others were neglected by their families among other challenges.

STOP has a vision of a Zambia where older people are healthy and productive enjoying improved standard of living. The organization commits itself to its mandate of promotion of basic rights of older people through advocacy, policy engagement, community participation and other innovative approaches for sustainable livelihood of older persons.

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