Africa wants to eradicate malaria

What if malaria no longer killed people by 2030? In any case, this is the objective of several African countries which are committed in this direction.

Meeting in Yaoundé, health ministers from eleven African countries adopted the Yaoundé Declaration, pledging to end deaths from malaria by 2030. This initiative aims to reduce the rate of malaria by at least 90%. malaria mortality compared to the baseline situation in 2015, as highlighted by the Cameroonian Minister of Health, Malachie Manaouda.According to Olivia Ngou, executive director of the NGO Impact Africa, since 2015, there has been a slowdown in progress in the fight against malaria in the eleven countries in Africa, mainly due to the resurgence of cases linked to several factors such as as Covid-19, climate change and stagnant funding.Insufficient funding constitutes a major obstacle to achieving the set goals, including reducing the mortality rate by 75% by 2025 in Africa. In 2022, WHO and its partners have only mobilized $4,1 billion of the $7,8 billion needed to fight malaria.Faced with this situation, Minister Manaouda calls for the mobilization of private investments, emphasizing the importance of raising awareness in the private sector of the economic and commercial impact of the fight against malaria.At the same time, the issue of malaria vaccines was raised, with Burkina Faso planning to administer its first doses, followed by other countries according to the WHO.In 2022, an estimated 166 million cases of malaria and 423 deaths attributable to the disease occurred in the 000 most affected countries, underscoring the urgency of concerted action to combat this devastating disease.

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