We are a Malian NGO called Peace One Day (POD-MALI), founded in 2011. We are registered under number 001366 and is legally recognized. We respectfully just send you this brief introduction of our organization so that we can have an opportunity to work, collaborate and cooperate.

We work in areas such as education in General and emergencies, peacebuilding in Mali, Child protection, Gender-Based Violence, Women and Youth Support, Health care, Nutrition, Food Security and Human Rights. We work on humanitarian assistances for supporting children affected by war and conflicts with psychosocial support, food, clothes, healthcare, nutrition and education in Children Friends centres or temporary schools with UNICEF and Child protection. We have always worked on the emergency by doing sensitizations, community mobilizations, organizing exchanges with community leaders and community members for supporting vulnerable communities supported by UNICEF.

We work in Bamako (The 6 municipalities) in Segou (Niono, Segou, San, Macina ) Mopti (Mopti and Tenenkou and Youwarou) Sikasso and Kayes with our focal points. Thanks

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