The National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda (NUWODU) is a women-led Disabled People’s Organization. It is legally registered in Uganda with the National NGO Board as a Non -Governmental Organization. It was formed in 1999 by a group of women and youth with disabilities at a national conference held in Kampala Uganda as a result of violation of rights of women and girls with Disabilities, torture, barriers to social services, double discrimination, and lack of recognition by women’s Rights movement, Government and societal discrimination as a minority population in Uganda. It is a membership organization and established as an umbrella organisation which brings all the categories of women and Girls with disabilities to have a stronger and unifying voice to advocate for their rights and equal opportunities, fight injustices and violence against Women and girls with Disabilities.
Urgent Action Fund Africa (UAF-Africa) is an Africa-wide feminist Fund that fills a rapid response grant making niche in the womn[1]’s movement. To date, the Fund has supported over 1000 initiatives in 51 African countries addressing a wide range of current and emerging issues affecting African women.
Through funding in a timely and strategic manner, the Fund has provided steppingstones for feminist activists to take advantage of political openings or hold the line, even in the most volatile of socio-political situations. It has supported feminist movement-building and protected women’s human rights defenders under threat to continue their work in a safe environment.
The Fund has also supported the growth of young feminist leadership. UAF-Africa has built trust in the African feminist movement as well as amongst other funding and social justice stakeholders, promoted mutually supportive initiatives, identified, and supported a cross-section of organisations and feminist activists, including those that work to ‘detonate’ stigma and taboos related to sex and sexuality.
The Fund operates virtually with a physical presence in five sub-regions across the continent. This is important given that UAF-Africa’s work requires it to be plugged into developments affecting women’s rights across the continent. Funding urgently and strategically is a 24-hour and 365-day job, and the Fund has acquired the expertise and resilience needed to do this work diligently. Grant applications are accepted in the five African Union official languages (English, French, Kiswahili, Portuguese, and Arabic).
NUWODU and UAF-Africa are writing to request you to make a technical proposal as well as a financial proposal in US$ for developing a Disability Justice Research Paper for the period of September 13th to October 16th, 2021. Attached are the draft TORs your reference.
- Terms of Reference:
The objective of this assignment is to identify the protection needs of WHRDs with disabilities in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania to unveil gaps in protection mechanisms and make recommendations on creating protection mechanisms that respond to the realities and needs of WHRDs with disabilities in those countries.
- Deliverables:
You will be expected to provide:
- A research protocol/ research proposal that details the methodology of the research, data analysis and quality assurance;
- Generate the necessary research ethical approvals to support the publication of this research in wide forums;
- A 30-page research report which clearly articulates:
- The specific protection needs and challenges that womn’s human rights defenders (in Tanzania, Kenya & Uganda) with disability face;
- Types of protection support provided by different organisations to WHRDs with disabilities;
- Existing gaps in protection mechanisms relative to the needs and priorities WHRDs with disabilities, both at the local, regional and international levels;
- Recommendations regarding the ways in which protection support can address the realities and needs of WHRDs with disabilities.