ActionAid prepares to support thousands in flood-ravaged parts of India

Heavy rains have caused severe flooding in north-eastern India, leading to mudslides and flash floods, destroying tens of thousands of hectares of crops, and devastating communities. ActionAids emergency teams are providing support to families in some of the worst affected areas.

More than 580,000 people have been affected by the flooding in the state of Assam, and at least 25 people have died. Estimates suggest that more than 40,000 houses may have been partly or fully destroyed, and more than 80,000 people have been forced out of their homes into relief camps. The flooding has also affected more than 82,500 hectares of crops at a time when food is already in scarce supply and global prices are skyrocketing.

One of the worst-affected areas is Dima Hasao, a mountainous district in Assam. Houses have been swept away or buried under debris. Roads, bridges and parts of the railway infrastructure have been washed away or significantly damaged by mudslides and flash floods. This means that most of the district is cut off, making communication and access extremely difficult. Establishing contact and providing humanitarian aid is essential.

ActionAid is currently providing emergency relief in Dima Hasao, and is looking into what support is needed in other districts. It is working with the District Administration to supply tarpaulin sheets, dry food rations and water purification tablets to those affected.

Mrinal Gohain, leading ActionAid Association India’s work in north-east India, says: 

“Yet again the poorest people who have done the least to cause the climate crisis are being hit hardest. Farmers have lost their crops and livelihoods, and are desperately trying to move their livestock to higher ground. Tens of thousands of people have been left without homes. People are sleeping on roads, in schools, and wherever they can find higher ground. They urgently need food, shelter and humanitarian assistance, before more lives are lost.”

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